Sunday, August 17, 2008

No Photos--Nary a One

The past week or so has been a busy one--trying to pack it all in before I go back to work on Thursday.

But I don't have any pictures.

And they were so cute.

Here's the abbreviated version: Jason, Me, Brayden. A hike. Our digital and video cameras in a nylon backpack. Obviously, a poorly made one. End of hike, no camera.

While staying at a resort in Ohio, we spent the morning on a nice hike. I thought it would be nice to document our time in photo and video, so I packed those in the *free* backpack Brayden got at our trip to Fort Rapids. Once we were back to the pavement, Jason heard a thump and looked to see our video camera in the middle of the road. The entire bottom had dropped out of the bag, and the only missing item was my new camera. We retraced our steps, but to no avail.

So we lost our pics. all of them.

Fortunately, I used a disposable camera on our rafting trip, so I'll load some tomorrow.